quarta-feira, março 21, 2007


LIE GROUP E8 - Misterio resolvido

A Chiqui tem varios amigos matematicos. Matematicos a serio, cientificos...
Lembro-me de ver, acho que na casa da Rua do Cano, MAISON MATEMATIQUE, uma pagina onde ofereciam um balurdio de $$$ a quem conseguisse resolver um enigma matematico.
Nao sei se o enigma e este, mas esta manha ouvi a noticia na radio , e porra... fiquei impressionada.
Um grupo de 18 matematicos, sim... na California, resolveu um enigma matematico com 120 anos, o qual e tao complexo, que se escrevessem a sua solucao, esta cobririria a ilha de Manhattan!!!
Aqui segue a noticia, esperando feed-back dos ditos matematicos.

An international team of mathematicians says it has cracked a 120-year-old puzzle that researchers say is so complicated that its handwritten solution would cover the island of Manhattan.
The 18-member group of mathematicians and computer scientists was convened by the American Institute of Mathematics in Palo Alto to map a theoretical object known as the ``Lie group E8.''
Lie (pronounced Lee) groups were invented by 19th-century Norwegian mathematician Sophus Lie in his study of symmetrical objects, especially spheres, and differential calculus.
The E8 group, which dates to 1887, is the most complicated Lie group, with 248 dimensions, and was long considered impossible to solve.
``To say what precisely it is is something even many mathematicians can't understand,'' said Jeffrey Adams, the project's leader and a math professor at the University of Maryland.
The problem's proof, announced Monday at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, took the researchers four years to find. It involves about 60 times as much data as the Human Genome Project.
When stored in highly compressed form on a computer hard drive, the solution takes up as much space as 45 days of continuous music in MP3 format.
``It's like a Mount Everest of mathematical structures they've climbed now,'' said Brian Conrey, director of the institute.
The calculation does not have any obvious practical applications but could help advance theoretical physics and geometry, researchers said.

E ja que me chorei ontem por comentarios, vou continuar na mesma onda, e pedir aos amigos matematicos:
Martucha Soprano
Cris, Rainha da Azaruja e arredores
Ze Canina
Rita Grandola Vila Morena
Renee Thierry Henry

o vosso comentario tecnico ;))

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